“Covers” update
Well it's been a little while since we posted an update here but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy! Our production department has been sweating the small stuff over Nick Whittock's “Covers” and we hope to go to print in the next few weeks. We'll publish ordering information shortly.
Also stay tuned for details […]
Nick Whittock: “Covers”
It is with great pleasure and excitement that COD pre-announces the upcoming release of its second title, “Covers” by Nick Whittock. Long-term readers of Cordite will be familiar with Nick's work – a dozen of his poems have appeared in Cordite Poetry Review over the last three years.
We've already got Nick working hard, churning […]
Hear tom see in stereo!
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the bookshop, it's time to strap on the headphones, hit “download” and then sing along as tom see reads his epic poem Evurest, recorded exclusively for Cordite Poetry Review. This brings to four the number of poems Tom has published in Cordite.
In […]
COD on the radio
Observant COD fans (or at least those possessing superior ESP) would have noticed that COD founder David Prater was on 3RRR at midday yesterday espousing the wonders of COD, digital printing and all things tom see.
“Aural Text”, a weekly showcase of spoken word hosted by alicia sometimes and Steve Grimwade, was the forum in […]
Melbourne launch pics
Here's a few piccies from the huge Melbourne launch for tom see's “OI”.
Punters bask in the reflected glory of Collected Works, tom see and the omnipresent “OI”.
The dynamic and deadly trio. From left: Charles “Chunderbass” Lake, tom “OI” see and David “COD” Prater.
tom see reads (and […]
“OI” let loose upon an unsuspecting Melbourne public
The first reports streaming back from last Saturday's Melbourne launch of both COD and “OI” suggest the event was a great success, with poetry lovers cramming the Collected Works bookstore to see tom see read (and sing) his work.
In addition, illustrator Charles Lake was present to guide the book to its launching place, thus […]
Melbourne, are you ready to COD?
Okay Melbourne, you've seen what Sydney's capable of – have you got what it takes to COD?
After the great success of the Sydney launch, we're aiming to really get things kick-started this Saturday afternoon from 2pm at Collected Works bookshop (1st Floor, Nicholas Building, 37 Swanston Street Melbourne) with a launch to make those […]
Sydney launch speech …
Here is the text from COD founder David Prater's speech at the Sydney launch of “OI”.
Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you here today to the salubrious environs of the Hollywood Hotel in one of my favourite parts of Sydney, Surry Hills, for the launch of both a new […]
Sydney launch pics
Without further ado, please consider the following snaps from our Sydney launch of “OI: poewemz bii tom see”.
The gang of four (clockwise from top left): COD founder David Prater, Cordite founder Adrian Wiggins, Charles “Chucky” Lake and poet tom see.
Doris wows the crowd with an acoustic ballad about the spider and […]
“OI” Sydney launch a huge success
Approximately fifty punters from all walks of life converged on Surry Hills' Hollywood Hotel last Saturday afternoon for the highly entertaining launch of “OI: poewemz bii tom see”. The venue, speakers, beer, food and music were all top notch and this, again, surely augurs well for Australia's newest and most wriggly publisher, COD.
Guest speaker […]
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